1) birthday girls ready to party (remember: theme was Colours)

2) rainbow vodka (my pictures from the party end quite abruptly)

3) part of the sight that greeted us the next day...

4) Guess who I supported for the Eurovision? Note outfit is also in national colours

5) breakfast on Norwegian National Day

6) My Norwegian housemate dressed in Bunad

7) Whereas I'm not.

8) 3 hours of schools parading. Once again, the photos end abruptly after about 1/2 hour.

9) More of the colour of the parade.

10) everyone's dressed up! (street sign in background: Henrik Ibsens gata)

11) Just in case you missed it, this is what the Norwegian flag looks like...

12) kids outfit

13) Think ya man on the left is a bit lost.

14) The Palace. If your eyes are good you can see the Royals on the balcony

15) close up of the Royals for those whose eyes aren't good!

16) Spring!

17) BBQ in the evening at Sogn

18) Just in case you missed the flag before (don't worry, its the ground floor)
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