Monday, June 29, 2009

My last few days in Norway

Hei all.

All of a sudden, I'm leaving tomorrow and the adventure is nearly over.

I spent the weekend alternating between packing, eating tapas with the remaining 7 or so exchange students, photographing and buying last minute memories and lying in the
sun/swimming at the Sognsvann in the 28-30 degree heat.

Today, I also had telephone interviews at 10am and 2:45 Melbourne time. Sounds innocent until you realise that 10 = 2 am and 2:45 = 6:45am. As a result it was with bleary eyes that I faced my last day on Norwegian soil.

I've finally finished the packing and have vowed not to go near any scales until I have to- the day before I leave Germany should be about the right time! This afternoon we're going for a final BBQ on Bygdøy. An ideal chance to use up my remaining dregs of vodka before my 18 hour bus trip tomorrow! The weather has been amazing this last week making it even harder to leave.

I've decided to prepare a list of things that I will miss about Norway:

1) Non-stop and Freia med Jordbaer chocolate. Cadbury's is fantastic, but tastes different!2) Norwegian cheese. Holy cheese at it's best3) Kitchen Parties. Having no money to go out means we have parties in our kitchens. But it's nicer than going out and you don't have to worry about how to get home.

4) Hospital Clothes. So nice to not have to worry about washing and ironing clothes to wear in the hospital!
5) Nature. It's only a 15 minute walk to Sognsvann for swimming or skiing in the winter and there are gorgeous parks, fjords and forests everywhere.

6) Snow!

7) The travel. So many cool places nearby.

8) Being considered an expert in one language whilst learning another one

9) Becoming close friends with people from all around the world.

10) Having a BBQ wherever we feel like it.
11) Waffles

12) Fjords

13) Living in a community within a socialised country. Becoming 'we' instead of 'me'.

To be continued, I'm sure!


1 comment:

anneke said...

Forgot something else: the long evenings of sunlight!