Thursday, May 7, 2009

Copenhagen Pics

1) Wind farms at the entrance to Copenhagen
2) map mounted on the free bikes
3) Leaving Christiania (entering the EU again)
4) even the dogs like bikes
5) Nyhavn
6) near our picnic spot, just to show you how beautiful Copenhagen is (and how nice the weather was)
7) Us and the free bikes, near the little mermaid
8) The little mermaid
9) street scene- note the wide bike lanes separate to the parked cars and pedestrian foot paths.
10) The postie's bike
11) bike traffic lights
12) first of a series of shots of gorgeous spring flowers from the Tivoli. Indulge me please, it's been a long winter!
13) Inside the Ticoli
14) Tivoli
15) group shot at the Tivoli
16) You can guess where this is by now...
17) need I explain?
18) You get the idea...
19) more Tivoli flowers
20) Theatre at the Tivoli
21) NOT the Tivoli! This is Fredricksberg Castle
22) gorgeous stroll by the lake

23) sun set over the water on the way home

24) almost down....

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