Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Heidelberg, Germany.

1. The oldest bridge in Heidelberg
2. luggage conveyor belt at the train station

3. The famous hatted men
4. Mr. Bunsen, the man to whom millions of chemistry teachers owe their scorch marks
5. Beer with cherry juice
6. streets of old Heidelberg
7. view from the castle
8. super big barrel, with Jessi in a white jacket on top of it
9. Heidelberg Castle
10.German Pharmacy museum, within the castle grounds, has many pharmacy shops on display
11. Waterfall which helped us shake off our 'tour guide'
13. Castle grounds
14. Us in front of the castle. Photo taken by our 'tour guide'
15. Vending machine at the tram stop sells pepper spray and rape alarms.

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